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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Grocery Shopping in Hong Kong

We ventured out grocery shopping today. What an experience!  I'll start with the "Wet Market" ....

Pigs feet,  chicken feet,  pig heart,  anything you could possible want (or not)

Live Toads and Turtles by the bag,  fresh eel,  and jelled pigs blood (quite the delicacy)

I'll stick with the fresh fruits and veggies!

Dragon Fruit,  Durian (stinky fruit),  and Starfruit

Yay,  there is an American Market!


  1. So cool! Love learning about your day to day life!

  2. I told you to pack a lot of granola bars!!! I can hardly look at it let alone EAT it!!!❤️

  3. Gross, food is my biggest fear about going on a mission!
